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I live in Central London, where we can meet in a café, outdoors at the park or in my consulting studio.​


What is Walk & Talk?

Walk & Talk combines traditional talk session with outdoor physical activity, fostering a dynamic and open therapeutic experience. Clients and therapists engage in conversations while walking outdoors, promoting a sense of well-being and enhancing the overall therapeutic process. Experience the benefits of movement and introspection in a natural setting.


How will walking and talking benefit me?

Walking and talking offers a dual benefit, combining the positive effects of physical activity with the transformative power of conversation. This holistic approach enhances mental well-being, reduces stress, and promotes self-discovery. Experience a refreshing and effective way to engage in therapy, fostering both mental and physical health.


Engaging in conversation while walking in a green area can offer several benefits, including:

  1. Enhancing self-esteem and boosting confidence.

  2. Diminishing symptoms of anxiety and depression, leading to an improved mood.

  3. Alleviating stress, promoting relaxation, and fostering positive self-perception.

  4. Aiding in feeling more connected, and mitigating feelings of loneliness.

  5. Contributing to better physical health.



 Can I chose where and how we walk?

Absolutely! At Walk & Talk, you have the flexibility to choose the location and pace that suits you best. Whether it's a scenic park, beach, or urban setting, customize your therapeutic journey. Walk & Talk empowers you to engage in self-discovery in a setting that resonates with your comfort and preferences.

For more information, please read our post Walk & Talk Therapy in London.

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