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The Gifts Of Loving

Updated: Nov 4, 2023

The gifts of loving refer to the positive and transformative experiences that come from giving and receiving love in our lives. When we open ourselves to love and allow it to flow freely, we experience several significant gifts:

  1. Connection and belonging: Love allows us to form deep connections and meaningful relationships with others. It fosters a sense of belonging and creates a support system that enhances our emotional well-being.

  2. Compassion and empathy: Love opens our hearts to the experiences and suffering of others. It cultivates compassion and empathy, enabling us to understand and support others in their joys and challenges.

  3. Emotional well-being: Love promotes positive emotions such as happiness, joy, and contentment. It can contribute to a greater sense of overall well-being and life satisfaction.

  4. Emotional healing: Love has the power to heal emotional wounds. It provides a nurturing and accepting space where we can feel seen, heard, and valued. Love from others can help us heal past hurts and develop a healthier self-image.

  5. Growth and personal development: Love encourages personal growth and self-improvement. It motivates us to become better versions of ourselves, to learn from our mistakes, and to strive for personal and interpersonal growth.

  6. Resilience and strength: Love provides us with a sense of support and resilience. It gives us the strength to face challenges, overcome obstacles, and persevere in difficult times.

  7. Gratitude and appreciation: Love opens our hearts to gratitude and appreciation for the people and experiences in our lives. It allows us to recognize and celebrate the beauty and goodness that surrounds us.

  8. Inner peace and harmony: Love brings inner peace and harmony. When we are rooted in love, we experience a sense of serenity, acceptance, and alignment with ourselves and the world around us.

  9. Generosity and kindness: Love inspires acts of kindness, generosity, and selflessness. It motivates us to contribute positively to the lives of others, creating a ripple effect of love and goodness.

  10. Fulfillment and meaning: Love gives our lives purpose and meaning. It allows us to experience a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction by nurturing and cherishing the connections we have with others.

These gifts of loving remind us of the profound impact that love can have on our lives and the lives of those around us. By cultivating love and embodying its qualities, we can create a more compassionate, connected, and fulfilling existence.

This is a piece I wrote a few years ago, a question that a lover asked me.

It's appropriate for now, and leads into a bigger question I've been sharing with my students, about the selfish and the selfless, what they mean, how important they are.

More of that to come...

She asked me what I get from loving her?

It took a while for me to understand what she was asking.

Not why do I love her, not what about her do I love?

What do I get from loving her, what are the gifts for me?

This was a fascinating question, it really turns things around. Where are you in loving someone? It changes the way we look at loving, at being in relationship. It becomes an incredible barometer of presence, of consciousness, of intimacy, of growth, of personal exploration, and of love.

It changes the perspective of love. I love for me.

I love you for me.

And the more I love, the deeper I love, the more I see what that love is for me.

The more I give, the more I see what giving brings up in me.

The more I share, the more I see what the sharing opens in me.

The more vulnerable I am, the more I see the depth in me.

I love you because in that love I am inspired.

I love you because in that love I feel the sacred in me.

I love you because in that love I open my heart.

I love you because in that love I see the strength within me.

I love you because in that love I am able to give freely.

I love you because in that love I am more creative.

I love you because in that love I make a choice to love, each day.

I love you because in that love I am able to love.

I love you because in that love I learn where I can't love.

I love you because I learn where I hold back.

I love you because I see where I struggle.

I love you because I see where my pain is.

I love you because I see where I can't receive.

I love you because of what you allow me to be, in loving you.

When we turn loving inwards and we acknowledge the gifts for ourselves in that we step into a space of power, of choice.

It's a space of The Heart.

It's a space that grows, expands and deepens.

It's a space where limits fall away.

It's a space where I can Become Love.


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