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What is Somatic Therapy?

Updated: Aug 28

Healing Therapy

Somatic therapy, also known as somatic experiencing or body-centered therapy, is a therapeutic approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind and body in the healing process. It focuses on the physical sensations, movements, and experiences of the body to promote healing, self-awareness, and emotional well-being. Somatic therapy acknowledges that trauma, stress, and emotional difficulties are not only stored in the mind but also in the body. It understands that the body has its own wisdom and capacity for healing, and by accessing and addressing bodily experiences, individuals can process and resolve emotional and psychological challenges.

Here are some key features and principles of somatic therapy:

Body awareness:

Somatic therapy emphasizes developing a heightened awareness of bodily sensations, movements, and experiences. This awareness allows individuals to connect with their present moment experiences and gain insights into their emotions and inner states.

Regulation of the nervous system:

Somatic therapy recognizes the importance of regulating the nervous system, especially in relation to trauma and stress. Techniques are used to help individuals release and discharge stored tension, allowing the body to return to a state of balance and relaxation.

Tracking bodily sensations:

Therapists help clients track and explore bodily sensations that arise during therapy sessions. By paying attention to sensations such as tightness, warmth, heaviness, or other physical cues, individuals can gain insight into underlying emotions and experiences.

Mind-body integration:

Somatic therapy aims to integrate the mind and body, acknowledging their interconnectedness. By working with both body and mind, individuals can develop a greater sense of wholeness, coherence, and alignment.

Resourcing and grounding:

Somatic therapy often includes techniques for grounding and resourcing, which help individuals establish a sense of safety, stability, and empowerment. These practices provide a foundation for exploring and processing challenging emotions or traumatic experiences.

Trauma resolution:

Somatic therapy is particularly effective in working with trauma. It focuses on releasing trauma-related physical and emotional tension, renegotiating traumatic experiences, and supporting individuals in restoring a sense of safety and empowerment.

Experiential and non-verbal approaches:

Somatic therapy utilizes experiential and non-verbal approaches to healing. This may include movement, breathwork, body awareness exercises, guided imagery, or touch-based interventions. These techniques bypass the cognitive mind and access the body's innate wisdom.

Somatic therapy can be beneficial for various mental health concerns, including trauma, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and stress-related disorders. It provides a holistic approach that addresses both the psychological and physiological aspects of well-being, promoting integration, healing, and resilience.

We are so passionate about holistic healing at BSC because it WORKS! We address the root cause of symptoms, not just the symptoms themselves.

If you think that Somatic Therapy may help you head to our contact page to enquire about your first session today. Also, head to our Media page for more insight on your healing journey.


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